This Haynes guy is a writer who has also created some (free!) software. He has a pretty informative website. Here is his
NaNoWriMo advice. I like the idea of giving myself a carrot of some sort to work toward. Maybe something from the
Wishlist? (I'm thinking the salt block, but maybe a
He's also posted some easy
recipes. I think I want to try Tomatoes on Toast:
Tomatoes - one or two per person, depending on size. (Of the person AND the tomatoes.)
Olive oil
Salt, ground pepper
Dried or fresh basil
Sling some bread in the toaster.
Chop the tomatoes into quarters and remove the hard green bit.
Drop them into a coffee mug, add a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt, a dash of pepper and sprinkle with basil.
Microwave for a couple of minutes or so.
Using a fork, mash the cooked tomato in the cup.
Put the toast on a plate, and spoon the tomato mess all over it.
Optional ... sprinkle with grated cheese.